blueFLUX H2 for disposal companies
It is already obvious, that the disposal of organic residues is getting increasingly difficult within the next years. Legal requirements more and more limit the possibilities for the spreading of organic residues.
Nevertheless, those waste materials have to be safely disposed for humans and the environment. According to a recent report of the World Bank, the amount of biogenic waste will raise by 70%, from 884 millions of tons to 1.496 millions of tons each year, by the year 2050.
This situation can be only handled properly by innovative approaches and new business models.
blueFLUX plants transform organic residues without pre-separation or pre-drying directly into green hydrogen.
The remaining residual ash has only about 3 % of the original weight of the residual materials fed into the plant.
blueFLUX makes disposal companies to producer of sustainable green energy carriers.
→ disposal of organic residues
→ sterilisation of waste materials in the plant according to statutory provisions
→ compliance with guidelines of the Federal Immission Control Act because of the high temperatures of more than 850°C for at least two seconds in the blueFLUX plant
→ extraction of sustainable produced green hydrogen
That is how you can establish new business areas with the blueFLUX Energy AG.
Expansions for blueFLUX plant
- provision of process heat for sewage treatment plants
- own filling station for your vehicle fleet
- disposal services for municipal waste
- heating systems for your company building
- power generation with microturbine
- selling of peak-load-power via fuel cell
- electricity and heat production via cogeneration unit
Our service
We as partner for disposal companies offer a location-based analysis, information, support during the realization, implementation and operation as well as customized, individual technical modular units.