blueFLUX H2 for municipalities
Municipalities have to dispose constantly rising quantities of sewage sludge and other organic residues at increasing costs.
In many places, mono-combustion is currently pursued. On the one hand, this requires a complex, cost- and energy-intensive drying of biogenic/organic residues. On the other hand, it is already becoming apparent that environmental authorities are going to prohibit mono-combustion in the medium term.
The current situation requires innovative solutions and new disposal models.
blueFLUX plants transform sewage sludge and other organic residues with a plastic proportion of up to 30% directly into sustainable produced green hydrogen without further separation or pre-drying. Micro plastic which is contained in the sewage sludge is disposed, too.
The residual ash remaining at the end has only about 3 % of the original weight of the waste brought into the plant.
Municipalities reduce their costs and become produces of green energy carriers with the help of blueFLUX.
disposal of organic residues
homogenisation and sterilisation of waste materials in the plant according to statutory provisions
compliance with guidelines of the Federal Immission Control Act because of the high temperatures of more than 850°C for at least two seconds in the blueFLUX plant
extraction of sustainable produced green hydrogen
That is how innovative disposal concepts can be implemented with the blueFLUX Energy AG.
Expansions for the blueFLUX plant
- municipal district heating
- own filling station with leasing-business for internally operated vehicles
- disposal services for municipal waste
- teaching operations for sustainable waste management
- municipal electricity production